The Finished Rube Goldberg MachineIn the last blog post I shared some of my initial plans and the components of the machine that I had been working on. After a lot of trial…Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Design Concepts for the Rube Goldberg MachineThe next project I am working on now is the design of a Rube Goldberg Machine. These machines are built to complete a simple task in an…Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Maze RunnerAfter lots of weeks of planning and preparation today we find out if the Tumbller can make it through the maze (obstacle course) and if I…Apr 18, 2021Apr 18, 2021
The Obstacle CourseHi all, again a lot has happened since my last blog post that I am looking forward to going through with you now. Last time I hinted at…Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
Testing The Real TumbllerI know it has been a while since the last blog but a lot has happened since then which I’m excited to talk you through now. I am happy to…Apr 3, 2021Apr 3, 2021
My Caster Wheel DesignIn the last blog post I went through my thoughts on what type of stabilisation attachment I wanted to use for the Tumbller. I ended up…Mar 19, 20211Mar 19, 20211
The Stabilisation DeviceAfter building the ping pong ball launcher, the next small project I started working on was designing a mechanical attachment to stabilise…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Building the LauncherIn my last post I was still unsure about which spring launcher concept I wanted to go with as I had doubts about how well the small…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Choosing the DesignBetween my last blog post and now I have done a fair bit of thinking about which design concept to go with for my ping pong ball launcher…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
The LauncherAt the end of my last blog I started to describe what the next small project I’m working on is. You can check that out for a little intro…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021