The Final Touches
So, the Tumbller still hasn’t arrived with me yet which isn’t ideal but I was able to get a lot more information in terms of accurate dimensions since my last blog post. Thankfully I was pretty close with the first draft of the Tumbller CAD I showed here and didn’t need to change that much. This is what the Tumbller is looking like now.

You might not be able to see too much of a difference from the first draft of the CAD but there was actually quite a lot of touching up behind the scenes. Most of the work done was in making sure everything was accurate but I also drew up my own versions of the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Nano, which were the only two parts I took from grabcad in the first draft. This is now completely built by me and to be honest I think it’s looking a lot better than I had originally hoped before starting. Again this render was done using PhotoView360 on SOLIDWORKS.
Another very useful element of SOLIDWORKS is the Motion Study feature, which I used to put together this video below of the Tumbller.
I believe this is now very close to if not the final draft of the CAD. I won’t be able to know for sure though until I actually have the real Tumbller in my hands and am happy that the CAD does it justice.
Even if I am coming to the end of making this CAD model, there is a whole load more I am going to be doing in this space. My course group and I have been given some more details of what is to come in terms of projects for the real Tumbller. I am going to have to try and design some sort of launcher to fire as many ping pong balls as possible into a container on the Tumbller. I am already excited to see what me and the rest of the group come up with.
Again please give my Instagram a follow if you’re interested in more regular details of what I am getting up to, there is a link in my Medium bio. As always I will be posting summaries of everything here.
More soon, thanks.